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Friday, December 11, 2009

NASA delays launch of spacecraft

The U.S. space agency "NASA"forced to postpone the launch of a spacecraft to survey the sky in search of cosmic objects, was scheduled to be on Friday morning.

The IAEA said in a statement that the survey process, which will be using infrared was postponed on Monday due to a failure in equipment, the crew will have to fix it first before starting the mission.

The statement added, "it will orbit around the poles of the Earth to scan the skies, in about nine months, looking for any cosmic objects like stars and asteroids cold, and bright parts of galaxies."
About two weeks ago the U.S. space shuttle "Atlantis" successfully in the Kennedy, ending a 11-day mission, which enables the transfer of essential components to the International Space Station, is able to extend life for years, and in the period following the retirement decision for the fleet of U.S. space next year .

The shuttle "Atlantis" has docked with the space station in 16 of the last month, and six astronauts, as well as some spare parts for the station's international crew carried out three spacewalks, during a trip within the six flights planned for the fleet of "NASA" before his retirement.

"NASA" explained that some maintenance parts conveyed by "Atlantis" in its recent trip, specific systems responsible for regulating the temperature with the station and maintain balance in space.

The task of the shuttle accident has triggered unrest, when the crew of the International Space Station and astronauts wake up in the "20.November" up on  the sound of warning sirens, which caused a state of panic, fearing that an outbreak of fire the station, before it was clear that the warning was "liar."

The "Atlantis" had made a trip in last May, on a mission to repair the telescope "Hubble", and the shuttle astronauts repair routine tasks, and the replacement of some important pieces of the Space Telescope.



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