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Sunday, December 30, 2012



  1. 1/4th the genes : To our astonishment we actually have 20 thousand to 25 thousand genes which contribute to1/4th of genes we thought we had. Researchers feel that the people’s understanding about the genome would lead to the curing of the dangerous disease cancer and Alzheimer’s. 
  2. A longevity leap : Two years back the scientists from the Harvard university found out that the telomeres which reversed the process of aging in mice. Let us hope that this telomere research  lead to the invention of anti aging pill but most of the people feel that this would happen when most of the people have died of old age..
  3. Synthetic self replicating bacterial cell : These bacterial cells which are very useful in creating very beneficial products were found by the researchers of J.Craig Venter institute who created a completely synthetic and a self replicating cell.
    Self replicating bacterial cells
    Self replicating bacterial cells

  4. Bone marrow stems cells for heart : Recent studies on this topic which was first led by Sir Magdi Yacoub, have proved successful. It deals with the growing of heart valve from bone marrow stem cells. This possibility of growing alleviates much heartache.
  5. Reprogramming of skin cells : The cells under our skin can be reprogrammed to act like embryonic stem cells. It has been a great discovery for those people who are fighting against using embryonic stem cells for religious reasons.
    programmable skin cells
    programmable skin cells
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