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Tuesday, February 2, 2016

2015 was warmer: Earth's Temp. Depend on where you put thermometer to measure

Temperature readings taken close to Earth's surface — about 6 feet off the ground — show a slightly warmer planet than measurements taken from on high by satellites in orbit.

And that discrepancy has given ammunition to climate-change doubters.
Government agencies and most scientists rely primarily on ground measurements, and they show that 2015 was the warmest year on record.
The National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, NASA, the Japanese and British meteorological agencies and the World Meteorological Organization all use ground data. It's a matter of better accuracy and relevance, scientists say.
"We care about what's happening where we live. That's why ground-based temperatures are most relevant to humans," said Texas Tech climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe.
But those who try to cast doubt on accepted science — most often non-scientists — prefer satellite data that goes back to 1979. And the data shows that 2015 was only the third-warmest year on record.
Politicians who reject mainstream climate science, such as Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz, especially cite one satellite measurement system, Remote Sensing Systems, in asserting that there has been no global warming for 18 years. That's a claim scientists, including the one who runs RSS, say is misleading.
Carl Mears, senior scientist for Remote Sensing Systems, told The Associated Press in an email: "The satellite measurements do not measure the surface warming. They are measurements of the average temperature of thick layers of the atmosphere" about 50,000 feet off the ground.
"For impacts on human society and the environment, the surface data are more important," Mears said.
Mears said his analysis of his own satellite data has five times the margin of error of ground measurements. That's because satellites use complex mathematical algorithms and thousands of bits of code to translate wavelength measurements into temperature readings, Hayhoe said.
Scientists routinely use ground measurements to calibrate and validate satellite information, said Marshall Shepherd, a University of Georgia meteorology professor. He and several other scientists called surface measurements "the ground truth."

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