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Monday, January 4, 2010

Thinking aloud helps to solve problems

Scientists Spaniards that thinking aloud may help people in solving problems, as well as students in finding solutions to complex issues in math faster and more accurate, in research that could contradict the theory of an ancient urge to review the lessons in the calm and silence.

The researchers found that students who thought aloud in the details of resolving issues, including increased opportunities to solve the same questions correctly than those who thought silently.

The Professor Josn Luis Castellanos Villegas of the "University of the Andes" in Venezuela, to discuss the problems and clever way of learning, pointing out that students think aloud while solving mathematical problems in a position to solve them as fast as getting the chances for finding a correct solution for a class that is not so Soebandrio .

Castellanos said that the capacity in the management of application, such as talking loudly or use of graphics is closely linked to success in solving problems.



merci for your comment

its a common thing when you are reading a lesson for learning , you read and speak it , then your two senses are working , reading and hearing , so it will be more easy to learn .

David Brown

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thank you for your comment
but the link you wrote in your comment isn't true

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